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Essential Advice For Success In eCommerce Email Marketing

  • Written By Grace
  • Posted March 27, 2017
  • 4 minutes Read Time

Contrary to what many believe, when combined with the growth in popularity of social media in digital eCommerce, email marketing still remains a tool for eCommerce marketing with a great deal of clout in terms of engagement with both customers and prospects. As it happens, researchers have found that email marketing makes up as much as seven per cent of the total amount of eCommerce user acquisitions. What’s significant about this figure is that it makes email the second highest percentage, losing out to search, which makes up 15.8 per cent.

With this in mind, should you want to obtain an increased number of leads, retain additional prospects in your sales funnel, convert them into customers, and realise growth in sales, then consider these essential tips to heighten the success of your email marketing efforts?

Keep It Relevant

In order to get the most from eCommerce email marketing, you must start with dividing up your lists of customers into categories. Not all promotional email or communication will be relevant to each and every customer you have in your records. For example, if you sell shoes for men and women, then firing out a promotional email for a forthcoming sale on women’s stiletto’s is instantly disengaging with fifty per cent of your target audience.

A study recently revealed that sending specifically segmented promotional emails to a particular customer list improved on open rates by as much as 14 per cent. Furthermore, it enhanced click-through-rates by up to 15 per cent. Lastly, you can decrease the dreaded unsubscribe, bounce, and spam report numbers.

Take All Devices Into Account

Tying into news we have recently reported on in regards to the power of mCommerce; it’s been stated that 53 per cent of emails are now opened using a mobile device- a number which is only set to grow. Take this into account, and you’ll be aware of how vital it is for you to incorporate responsive design into your eCommerce email marketing strategy.

By using a responsive design, you are allowing mobile users to see converted versions of your emails on whatever device is being used. Consistency is key, and you should bear that in mind so that if a customer or a potential new customer opens the email on the device, no matter what it is, the experience remains the same. This tip is one that can’t be bypassed when you consider that Experian published a study stating that emails using responsive design realise an increase of as much as 63 per cent in click-through-rates, as well as 18 per cent in transaction rates.

The Personal Touch

Taking the time to personalise your emails is one of the most effective and straightforward forms of grabbing the attention of potential and existing customers. Essentially, you have to do something to make your email stand out. Act on this in the right way, and you can be part of the 14 per cent of those businesses who confirmed heightened click-through-rates, as well as the 10 per cent who benefitted from improved conversion rates.

For example, a personalised subject line receives a 26 per cent hike in unique open rates compared to those that haven’t been personalised. Furthermore, if you take advantage of personalised Calls-to-Action, you’re setting up to be part of the 42 per cent who received higher view-to-submission rates, compared to CTAs that are identical for all website visitors.

Harness The Power Of The Subject Line

Email subject lines are literally on the front lines of your eCommerce email marketing efforts. Depending on how you write them, they will be either the first or the last thing a prospect or customer sees. Generally speaking, subject lines need to be short and descriptive. Make sure they’re personalised and targeted to the needs and desires of the segmented lists receiving the email.

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words

You want to capture the reader’s eye once you’ve done all that other hard work in making your marketing emails stick. This is where the use of images will assist in the old cliché that a picture will paint a thousand words. It’ll be a useful tool for you when trying to portray the story of your offer or the motive behind your communication with them. You can’t hide, and shouldn’t want to hide from the fact that images will sell as much, sometimes even more, than the copy you’ve put into your email. Ensure the two work in unison to deliver a completely compelling email for new, old, and potential customers. Don’t forget to make those images clickable too!

Now you know all of this, it’s time to get to work. We’re here to help with your Magento eCommerce design among other areas of technical support to help you succeed, so don’t delay, take action today!