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Improve Your Customer’s Experience To Improve Your Sales

  • Written By Grace
  • Posted October 17, 2016
  • 2 minutes Read Time

Everyone loves a great customer experience. What does a cup of coffee cost after all? A couple of pounds at most.

But while I was having my car serviced recently, the warming inner glow of being treated to a latte or two in the courtesy lounge from a smiling receptionist actually did take the edge off the small fortune I was spending in the workshop. Evidently, my garage knew that attracting new customer’s costs far more than retaining the old ones. And that clearly, my ongoing allegiance can be bought for a mere latte.

Meanwhile back at eCommerce, there are some basic rules of thumb that will help to give your Magento customers using your eCommerce shop that same inner glow that brings them back time and again to your online store. Sound appealing? Then let’s look at some headline facts that come out of recent research:

Online assistance is important. Over 80% of eCommerce shoppers require it in order to buy. So make yourself available and you’ll reap the rewards in Magento conversions. And while you’re there, remember that 40% of customers expect to wait no more than five minutes when accessing support. In fact, 31% of them would say immediate help wasn’t too much to ask.

When you’re setting up your Magento contact page, what information do you include? Did you know that 61% of customers like to see a telephone number in the contact details? Not only does it give them the feeling they can actually speak to someone if need be, it also shows you’re not afraid to be more than just a virtual presence. So give them your number.

Where should you focus your efforts – on new customers or existing customers? Well, studies show you only need to increase your customer retention levels by 10% to achieve a 30% increase in the perceived value of the company. That’s why existing customers are worth treating with at least the same respect you reserve for that elderly aunt who stills hands you a tenner on your birthday, even though you’re 42. Surely worth a virtual latte at least?

Finally, if you need a sobering thought to motivate your customer experience to revamp, think about this: bad customer experiences are twice as likely to be shared around than good ones, and it takes 12 great customer experiences online to make up for a poor one.