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Are You Using The Right Social Media Platform For Your Business?

  • Written By Chris
  • Posted September 3, 2017
  • 3 minutes Read Time

Any business is able to benefit from using a social media platform. Choosing which one fits your business best might become a daunting experience but it doesn’t have to be. When determining which social platforms will benefit the most for your business you must look at your target customer first and how will they utilise social media. Don’t just use Facebook because you like it best.

How Much Do You Want to Write?

If you are interested in posting more long-form content on social media, if this is the case it’s probably a good idea to launch a blog and posting content on your social profiles. Facebook and LinkedIn give you a lot more space to post and LinkedIn even has a publishing function where you are able to post articles directly without even owning your own blog. This, however, can be dangerous as you don’t really want to build up content on a platform that you can’t control.

If you prefer to communicate in short phrases then it’s probably best to stick to platforms like Twitter or Instagram if you have a visual element. From these type of sites, you can engage in rapid-fire communication with your followers.

Leverage Images to Boost Your Content

Using photos and graphics are important staples across all social media channels. You are able to embed them into Facebook posts and tweets, some other social platforms lend themselves better to image and video. You will want to pay close attention to images you choose for each of your content as a picture will speak a thousand words to the follower.

Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest are all about using striking visual aids in order to tell your story. The best social media for small business boils down to your ideal goals and target audience.

Targeting B2B vs. B2C Audiences

Selling to other businesses? If so then LinkedIn is the one for you. It’s the go-to social network for business leaders, entrepreneurs and executive professionals who want to connect with like-minded people. It’s a proven statistic that more than 80% of all professionals have a LinkedIn Profile so it’s a great place to start building a target list.

Have You Tried Video

Look good in front of the camera? Enjoy recording videos then consider video content. Facebook Live, YouTube and Google Hangout are perfect platforms to a build a following. Video platforms in this day and age is really rising with more young adults spending time on Youtube compared to watching live TV.

There is and never will be a one size fits all formula when it comes to social media marketing. The best way to find which ones work for you and your business is to try them out and experiment. Figure out what makes your audience tick and just get involved.